25. Jun, 2016
* Saturday 25th June: drive to Radisson Hotel, Bath Road, near Heathrow
* Sunday 26th June: flight to Bucharest Romania
* Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th June: Transylvania
* Wednesday 29th June: Bucharest
* Thursday 30th June: Embark on Viking Longship Jif
* Friday 1st July: 7.30 am remembrance on start of Battle of the Somme; Russe Bulgaria
* Saturday 2nd Jul: Vidin, Bulgaria
* Sunday 3rd July: Iron Gates
* Monday 4th July:Belgrade, Serbia
* Tuesday 5th July: Osijek, Croatia
* Wednesday 6th July: Kalocsa, Croatia;
* Thursday 7th July: disembark, Budapest, HUngary
* Friday 8th July: Budapest
* Saturday 9th July: flight to Heathrow; drive from Radisson Hotel to Broomfield