
There are eight states all associated with The 32% of the population who belong to ethnic groups. The 68% majority population are the Burmese and 85% of these are Buddhist. The ethnic groups are Christian, Hindu and Moslem. The Burmese predominate in the four districts Of Mandalay, Yangon, Saigang and Bago. Our journey covered territory in all four districts and the stars of Kachin, Karen and Mon.

Our travels involved the following:

* Mandalay: Mandalay Hill, Mandalay Fort and Palce; PTM*

* Kachin state: started with Myitkyina involving World War 2 sites and.  of the Irrawaddy river.

* Pagan including balloon rides:.

* Inle Lake.

* Yangon with the Schwedagon Paoda and Bago. 

* truck drive to Mountain Top hotel For Golden Rock Pagoda.

* Moulmein and recital at Kyaikkihanian Pagoda.

* Karen State for walk by Karst hills and through Saddar caves; canoe trip and further walk through rice fields.