Reflections on a three week visit.
My first theme heritage provides encouraging start.. Buddhism remains strong among ethnic Burmese in particular. The publication by the 'Association of Myanmar Architects: '30 heritage buildings of Yangon' reveals a determination to Restore much of colonial downtown Rangoon. Bagan and Inle Lake are ttwo the most outstanding attractions in Asia.
The second theme political change presents a mixed picture. Aung San Suu Kyienjoys the confidencee of the nation. She commands an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Parliament. Her NLD party woill become the central government but the military has ensured that there are constitutional restrictions imposed on any civilian government.,
My prescriptions are based on reading and only a short time in the country. Perhaps I I should refrain from making any comment at all. My commitment though is to the young peoplee met: so I direct my last words to what I think oght to be NLD priorities for the next few years:
* from the outset all institutions government- especially police and army _ must accept the rule of law;
Second, the civil wars must be ended - through agreements if possible but using force if unavoidable and the - and only then - devolve powers to the States and Districts through a federal structur;; encourageping manifestations of ethnic identity, for camp,r the Kachin Manu
* third, through negotiatio n with State and District Governmentts pare a development plan that will secure the support of local business, foreighn investors and the country's trading partners.
* Fourth, re-balance international relations to reduce Chinese influence with enhanced engagement with ASEAN and the West.
* Fifth, Direct international aid towards improving public services;
* Sixth, ithere to be engagement withe military is essential if there is to be any progress at all;; with an investigation into the the actions individual officers leading to arbitrary imprisonment, firing on unarmed demonstrators and corruption.
* LastlKy, there is education; a drive to raise the educational standards - at every level from pre-school to University- to international standards as the over-riding aim of government.
iIn her book 'Letters From Burma'Aung San Suu Kyi lists four reasons for the nation's decline and decay'failure to recover that which had been lost, omitting to repair that which has been damaged, disregard of the need for reasonable economy,, and the elevation to leadership of those without morality or learning'.
Aung San Suu KyI, by her example, has made one change that is oust or any visitor: she has restored hope.
Visiting Burma enabled to see somethin of the Burma campaign 1942 - 1945. Tours dedicated to the wartime experience could attract interest From those countries iinvolved: Britain, the USA,, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Koreaand Burma itself.